Barry Park Tennis Kansas City
Summer Tennis 2025 Session 1 Clinic Information (dates & times) now available! Click on "Tennis Lessons and Clinics."
*Times subject to change based on enrollment.

Barry Park Program Goals
The Junior Tennis Instructional Program’s goal is to provide a structured and fun framework for learning from which the student will foster a love for the game of tennis as well as a willingness and desire to improve. The curriculum seeks to develop and improve stroke technique, movement, court sense, while using balls lower in compresion which allows students time to develop optimal technique. The curriculum also seeks to foster knowledge of the rules, positioning and basic tactics. As stated above, my assistants and I hope to most importantly teach your tennis player to develop a passion for the game of tennis!
Group Tennis Clinic Offerings - Summer 2025
**Please note that clinic times and days subject to change.
Session I: Monday, June 2nd - Wed, June 27th (8 classes).
Session II: TBD
Location: Barry Road Park Tennis Courts
(across from the Park Hill School District Football Stadium)
Tiny Tots Tennis (Ages 4 – 5): Level 7
Your child’s first or second experience on a tennis court. An informal environment where your child will learn the basic elements of tennis with specially designed equipment and professional instruction to assure a positive, successful and fun experience. Games are an important part of the program and can increase movement, balance, and basic coordination. Your child will utilize a red ball which is larger than a yellow ball and does not bounce as high. The focus will be on establishing a foundation for gross motor skill development. If your child is ready to participate please complete the form below and a coach will contact you!
Clinics meet twice a week: If there is enough interest we will offer this clinic during session 2 in 2025. Please contact me if you are interested in this clinic!
Cost: TBD
Not offered during second session.
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Red Compression Balls and the Red Court
Smashers (Ages 5 – 7): Level 6
Smashers is for students who have attained some of the basic skills. A program of movement, balance, coordinated and motor skill development with a focus on self and partner rallying skills on the 36’ court using a red ball. Both reception and projection activities will be emphasized. Children will continue to work on the basic elements of tennis while learning more advanced skills. If your child is ready to participate please complete the form below and a coach will contact you!
Clinic will meet 8 days: Mondays & Wednesdays: 7:30-8:15 pm
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Red Compression Balls and the Red Court
Advanced Smashers (Ages 6 – 8): Level 5
Players participating in this clinic MUST have participated in previous clinics (Barry Park or another tennis program). Students in this clinic will use red balls. Your tennis player will continue to learn the skills of the smaller court as well as the technique of each shot. Children in this clinic will learn how to move their opponent by controlling the direction of the ball. We will also work on moving from an abbreviated serving motion to a full motion. If your child is ready to participate please complete the form below and a coach will contact you!
Clinics will meet four days: Mondays & Wednesdays: 7:30-8:15 pm
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Red Compression Balls and the Red Court
Beginner (Ages 7–12): Level 4
Introduce your child to tennis in our beginner level clinics. Your tennis player will learn the basics of tactical play. We will emphasize swing rhythm on forehands and backhands. Players in this clinic will be introduced to topspin and learn how to switch from a volley to a groundstroke. Serve progressions will be taught as well as the basics of the return of serve. Learn the proper technique for groundstrokes, volleys, and serves. The emphasis is on swing rhythm for forehands and backhands. Your tennis player will continue to develop his/her skills while having a blast! If your child is ready to participate please complete the form below and a coach will contact you!
Clinic will meet four days: Mondays & Wednesdays 8:00-9:00 am or 5:30-6:30 pm
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Orange Compression Balls and the Orange Court
Intermediate (Ages 8-12): Level 3
Players participating in this clinic MUST have participated in previous clinics. Students will continue to work on the serve and basic concepts of singles, doubles, and the rules of playing tennis. Drills that focus on consistency, direction, depth and spin will be stressed. Adaptive skills will be trained using dead ball drills as well as live ball drills. Players will also experience competitive play situations in all areas of the court.
Clinics meet: Mondays & Wednesdays: 9:00-10:00 am or 5:30-6:30 pm
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Orange Compression Balls and the Orange Court
Academy (Ages 11-18): Level 2
Players participating in this clinic MUST have participated in several years of previous clinics (either at Barry Park or another tennis program). Students in this clinic will work on a range of technical/tactical skills. All court tennis will be emphasized. This clinic will focus on drills that develop movement, recovery and decision making skills. Situational and competitive play will be included in clinics.
Clinics meet: Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00-11:30 am
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions
Tournament (Ages 10-18): Level 1
Tournament player, or high school tennis player (jv or varsity). Competitive. Players participating in this clinic MUST have participated in several years of previous clinics (either at Barry Park or another tennis program). Students improve consistency in their strokes while developing a court presence with situational training and a play based approach. Footwork, conditioning, as well as match play tactics, mechanics, and the mental side of tennis will be emphasized as well.
Clinics meet: Mondays & Wednesdays 11:00-12:30 pm
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Beginner Teen (Ages 12 - 18)
Players in this clinic will use the orange, green dot, and yellow balls. This clinic is for teenagers who are fairly new to tennis. Stroke basics and learning to rally and play is the theme of each class. Students will learn to track and judge the bounce of the ball. Players will be exposed to basic skills including ground strokes, volleys, overheads, and serves.
Clinics meet twice a week: Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions
Intermediate Teen (Ages 12 – 18)
Players in this clinic will use the green dot, and yellow balls. Students will continue to refine their tactical and technical skills. Offensive and defensive tennis will be introduced. Drills will focus on ball control, consistency, direction and depth. Adaptive skills will be trained using dead ball drills as well as live ball drills. Players will also experience competitive play situations in all areas of the court.
Clinics meet twice a week: Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm
*There will be an upper teen intermediate clinic from 10:00-11:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Cost: TBD
Complete the registration form here: Stay tuned!
Please email barryparktennis1@gmail.com if you have any questions
Small Group Clinics (Ages...any): Created by level
Times and days of the clinics above NOT work for you or your tennis player's schedule? We will do our best to cater to your needs by putting together a clinic (typically meets once-per-week) that will meet on the weekends. If this is of interest to you or your tennis player, please complete the Google Form below (see link) and send coach Kalis an email (barryparktennis1@gmail.com).
Email barryparktennis1@gmail.com for the most-up-to-date Sign-Up Genius that includes available small-group and private lesson times.

Private & Semi-private Lessons
Private & Semi-private lessons Ages all
Open to any level of player. These will be set up based on availability. Lesson packages are available. Topics of private tennis lessons include:
*stroke analysis and evaluation; an objective assessment
*weakness identification and improvement; a “fundamentals” approach
*stroke development; technique, theory, and practice
*strategic development; the psychological side of tennis
*competitive conditioning; physical development and exercise drills
*advanced hitting practice
*special request topics
*early development programs for children and juniors
SCHEDULE OF PRIVATE LESSONS (to be determined on an individual basis)
Contact Tim Kalis if you are interested in private or semi-private lessons.
Email: barryparktennis1@gmail.com